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Aeronaut Yoke for Turbo and Black 2-Blade Spinners Twisted (+2.5/+5 Degree)

Price: From $11.00 to $14.00
Aeronaut Yoke for Turbo and Black 2-Blade Spinners Twisted (+2.5/+5 Degree)
Propeller Yoke Size Application Shoulder
Aeronaut Yoke 42/8
33-40mm Spinner
Aeronaut Yoke 47/8
33-45mm Spinner
Aeronaut Yoke 52/8
33-50mm Spinner
Aeronaut Yoke 62/8
33-60mm Spinner
Aeronaut Yoke 72/8
33-60mm Spinner

Aeronaut aluminum center yoke for Turbo and Black Folding Spinners. The 2.5 or 5 degrees of extra twist gives the propeller blades additional pitch, allowing blades greater pitch ratio. Check table for additional information about increased pitch with twisted yokes. Twisted yokes help with fine tuning of your power system.

Folding blade shoulder use M3 bolts, center hole 8mm, length from center to center.

Propeller (Sample) +2.5 Twist
42mm Yoke
+5 Twist
42mm Yoke
+2.5 Twist
52mm Yoke
+5 Twist
52mm Yoke
Aeronaut 7 x 4 7 x 5.2 7 x 6 7 x 5.4 7 x 6.2
Aeronaut 9 x 5 9 x 7 9 x 8 9 x 7.35 9 x 8.35
Aeronaut 10 x 6 10 x 7.4 10 x 8.5 10 x 7.63 10 x 8.7
Aeronaut 12 x 8 12 x 9.9 12 x 11.3 12 x 10.2 12 x 11.57
Aeronaut 13 x 6.5 13 x 7.87 13 x 9.33 13 x 8 13 x 9.52
Aeronaut 14 x 8 14 x 10.55 14 x 12 14 x 10.8 14 x 12.36
Aeronaut 15 x 10 15 x 11.25 15 x 12.95 15 x 11.57 15 x 13.3
Aeronaut 16 x 10 16 x 12.75 16 x 14.56 16 x 13 16 x 14.88
Aeronaut 17 x 8 17 x 9.8 17 x 11.69 17 x 10 17 x 11.85
Aeronaut 18 x 11 18 x 12.6 18 x 14.56 18 x 12.8 18 x 14.8
Aeronaut 18.5 x 12 18.5 x 13.66 18.5 x 15.74 18.5 x 13.9 18.5 x 16

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