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Wings & Pilots

Paraglider Pilot M3 Ben with Harness ARTF Blue

Price: $259.00
In Stock: 1
Part: OPL14204-B
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Paraglider Pilot Ben with Harness ARTF BlueParaglider Pilot Ben with Harness ARTF Blue

When it came time to design a pilot for our new Backpack M3, we knew that we were going to need to start from the ground up. The mechanical constraints, resistance of the materials, and the pilots behavior take on a whole new dimension when its being designed to handle a 2-3m wings.

A pilot this realistic requires a harness with the same quality standards. The geometry has been optimized to achieve that highest possible pilot flexibility with the most convenient installation methods. All of the straps are easily unclipped, making installation of Ben much easier than ever before. You can equipped Ben pilot with optional Speedbar function that allows you to slightly adjust the leading edge of the wing by pulling the A lines of the risers. This changes the angle of attack of the wing and allows temporary improvements in wind penetration.

Speedbar function is not for regular flying, just to allow emergency landing in an order to add more ballast for better wind penetration!

More information (links):
* Instruction Manual (.pdf)

(1) Pilot Ben w/Suit
(1) Harness Set
(2) High Torque Servos
(2) Steel Buckles 4mm
(1) Ballast Set
(1) Hardware Package

Suggested Equipment:
(2) Hitec D645MW servo (control lines)
(2) KST X12-508 servo (speedbar)

Paraglider Pilot Ben with Harness ARTF Blue

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